
Museu Històric de Creta

179 residents recomanen,
27 Leof. Sofokli Venizelou

Suggeriments de la gent de la zona

July 24, 2019
The Historical Museum of Crete was founded by the Society of Cretan Historical Studies in 1953, following the issue of a Ministry of Culture permit to establish a museum collection. The Museum was initially housed in the Andreas and Maria Kalokerinos House (1903), a listed neoclassical building granted by the A. & M. Kalokerinos Foundation in accordance with the donor’s wishes. The Museum was founded and is run by the Society of Cretan Historical Studies, with the aim of preserving and showcasing the cultural heritage of Crete from early Byzantine times to the modern era. This aim has been achieved gradually, by the collection, purchase and donation of artefacts, together with artefacts on long term loan from the Ministry of Culture. From its beginnings, the Historical Museum of Crete has been animated by a pioneering spirit. Successive extensions to the museum and recent re-displays, using contemporary perceptions in museology and new media applications, have contributed to creating a lively, up-to-date, visitor-friendly museum. The HMC now offers a composite view of Cretan history and art from the early Christian centuries to the 20th century. Temporary exhibitions cover a wide span, ranging from Byzantine to modern art, showcasing key literary figures in Greece (Elytis, Kazantzakis), and presenting major historical events from the late 19th century to the Second World War. At the same time, our educational programmes are constantly being enriched. Offered free of charge, they are a creative source of knowledge relating to the Museum’s permanent collections and temporary exhibitions. Lectures, symposia, film shows and book presentations held in the amphitheatre add to activities at the Historical Museum of Crete, rendering it an outgoing, multi-faceted cultural organization.
The Historical Museum of Crete was founded by the Society of Cretan Historical Studies in 1953, following the issue of a Ministry of Culture permit to establish a museum collection. The Museum was initially housed in the Andreas and Maria Kalokerinos House (1903), a listed neoclassical building gran…
June 20, 2018
An amazing museum from which you will learn details of Greek and Cretan history.
June 6, 2018
The Museum was founded and is run by the Society of Cretan Historical Studies, with the aim of preserving and showcasing the cultural heritage of Crete from early Byzantine times to the modern era. This aim has been achieved gradually, by the collection, purchase and donation of artefacts, together with artefacts on long term loan from the Ministry of Culture.
The Museum was founded and is run by the Society of Cretan Historical Studies, with the aim of preserving and showcasing the cultural heritage of Crete from early Byzantine times to the modern era. This aim has been achieved gradually, by the collection, purchase and donation of artefacts, together…
Luxury Apts
July 26, 2020
Know history of heraklion city.
September 20, 2019
The Historical Museum of Crete was founded in 1953 by the Society of Cretan Historical Studies and is housed in Heraklion Crete [1]. The museum presents an overview of Crete's history from the early Christian centuries to the modern era.

Activitats úniques per fer a prop

Viatges de navegació a l'illa Dia en grups petits
Visita una granja d'oliveres en família amb un tast de delícies locals
El millor aire lliure cretenc per la nit

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