Botiga de bicicletes

De Stadsfiets

20 residents recomanen,
90H Quellijnstraat
Amsterdam, NH

Suggeriments de la gent de la zona

December 3, 2018
These guys are super helpful and friendly. Ask for Ivan and tell him Janine sent you.
June 12, 2018
If you want to rent a bike! Discovering Amsterdam on a bike is definitely the way to go! Please make sure to use the bike lanes when they are present and signal with your arms when you are about to turn left or right. Don’t be afraid to use the bell when people are walking on your bike lane since a lot of people are not aware they are doing so.
December 20, 2016
Here you can rent a bike
January 18, 2017
Rent your bike here!
November 18, 2016
Excellent place to rent a bike, friendly staff and strong bikes.

Activitats úniques per fer a prop

Crucer pel canal de formatge i begudes neerlandès amb gent de debò
Creuer per canals guanyadors de premi a tot inclòs
Crucer per un canal per a grups petits d'Amsterdam, incloent-hi aperitius i begudes

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