Un cop hagis escrit allò que vols cercar, se't mostraran els suggeriments. Fes servir les fletxes amunt i avall per donar una ullada a tots els suggeriments. Per seleccionar-ne un, prem Retorn. Si el fragment seleccionat és una oració, se cercarà aquest text. Si el suggeriment és un enllaç, el navegador obrirà la pàgina.

Com ser un amfitrió responsable a Ravello, Itàlia

Communication of short-term rental activities

In order to rent your accommodation in the Municipality of Ravello, you must submit a Communication of Short-Term Rental Activities form to the city via the government portal. You will need an SPID, a CNS, or a CIE to access this site.

How to file:

Tourist Tax Collection

Airbnb will collect and remit Tourist Taxes in all municipalities that impose a Tourist Tax on behalf of short term rental bookings. Learn more about Tourist Tax Collection in Italy.

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